Index: Writing
My Top Articles for Writers
An Index of Everything I’ve Published about Writing
Hi! I’m Holly Lyn Walrath and I’m a poet, editor, writer, publisher, and freelancer. My poetry and d short fiction has appeared in Strange Horizons, Fireside Fiction, Daily Science Fiction, Luna Station Quarterly, Liminality, and Analog. I am the author of Glimmerglass Girl (Finishing Line Press, 2018), Numinose Lapidi (in Italian, Kipple Press, 2020), and The Smallest of Bones (Clash Books, 2021).
I’ve been writing on Medium for a long while now, so I decided to create an index of all my most popular articles on writing. These go as far back as 2017! I’ll do my best to keep this list updated as I keep writing.
On Writing
- Turning Over a New Leaf in Your Writing
- Pitching Workshops to Libraries
- Applying the Japanese Idea of Wabi-Sabi to Your Writing
- How to Write a Book and Grow Your Business
- The Leader’s Guide to Writing
- How to Edit Your Book, from the POV of a Professional Editor
- Journaling for Writers
- Finding Your Voice as a Writer
- Resources for Submitting Writing
- How to Organize Your Writing Drafts (with Inspiration from Marie Kondo)
- Writing Successful Book Reviews
- Simple Steps for Promoting Short Fiction and Poetry
- Not Sure How to Market as a Writer? Get a Pet.
- How to Hook a Reader on the First Page
- Are Writing Contests Worth Entering?
- Creatives, You Need to Slow Down
- The Hardest Part of Being an Editor
- My NaNoWriMo Was a Mess
- The End of the Year Sometimes Sucks for Creatives
- Tricking Yourself into Writing: Simple Hacks to Help You Write Every Day, with Help from J.R.R. Tolkien
- Reluctantly Writing About Death
- NaNoWriMo Isn’t Just for Books: Write Anything You Want in 30 Days for NaNoWriMo
- Does Publishing Short Stories Matter?
- The Writing Life: An Infographic
- 40 Writing Milestones to Celebrate
- Queries, Contributors, and Common Terms
An A-Z glossary for submitting writing - Fighting Self-Rejection and Imposter Syndrome
- Switching Genres: How to move from writing “realism” to “speculative” genres
- Creating a Writer’s Mission Statement
- Submitting Short Fiction: Literary/Realism Edition
- These are a Few of My Favorite Rejections
- Submitting Short Fiction: Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Genre Edition
- Forming a Critique Group 101
- Art is Love
- Creating an Environment Where You Have License to Try New Things
- Working with a Freelance Editor to Boost Your Writing Career
- Taking Back Time for Writing: Digital Detox
- The Art of Receiving Criticism
- Ten Ways I’m Learning to Be a Better Writer
- Art as a Way into Writing: How ekphrastic collaborations can inspire your words
- Developing a Daily Writing Practice
- How to Prep for NaNoWriMo in Seven Days
- 10 Twitter Bots to Follow for Writing Inspiration
What other topics would you like me to write about? Drop me a line in the comments and I’ll consider your idea :) I also run a bi-monthly author’s newsletter called The Weird Circular. If you subscribe, you get a list of cool places to submit your weird work, writing prompts and music to write by, fun updates from me, your corporeal host, and the occasional postcard (yes, in the actual, physical mail!)
Of course, if you want to receive ALL my Medium articles as they’re released, you can do that too via Medium. You can also become a member via my referral link, which helps me keep the lights on and my cranky pets fed.
Please check out my other indexes: